Welcome Back!
Hi, there. Remember me? So, um, I seem to have taken a couple of months off with no prior warning. Sorry about that. Not sure how that happened. Well, I am, of course. I've been very busy working on the other half of my writing self--the fiction side. I knew that I was planning to take a hiatus this summer for a couple of major projects, but I was waiting to announce it when our recipe was published in the latest e-cookbook put out by MM and Kids Cook Monday. Then I could send you a copy and mention the break in sending out new recipes. But the book was never published (and is still pending as they keep sending me questions and small change requests about our recipe) and I never got around to sending an update. Mea culpa.
So some more about those two projects. My big news this summer is that my novel "Risk" was featured on the main page of Wattpad as of July 25th (and was in the Top Ten of the Mystery/Thriller section for awhile) and I have just announced the launch of my first published novel "Once Were Friends." Aren't those covers beautiful? They were designed by Christina, my creative and talented wife. So that's what I've been up to. If you are a social media butterfly of any kind and would like to send out a tweet or facebook thingy about this, who am I to say no? :)
But enough about me. I recently read a great book called The Starch Solution, by Dr. John McDougall, which makes the case that so-called "carbs" have been unjustly maligned and widely misunderstood. To unjustly summarize the book, just because a donut is bad, doesn't mean that carbs are bad. Starchy foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, millet, barley, and other whole grain products are examples of complex carbohydrates, the fuel which the human body runs on. I recommend that you read the book and promise not to equate donuts with carbs. Also this:
- Cool news: "In this guest blog, Kim A. Williams, MD, a cardiologist at Rush University in Chicago and the next president of the American College of Cardiology, explains why he went vegan and now recommends it to patients." What's this now? A cardiologist recommending prevention rather than treating symptoms? Advocating forks over knives, if you will? My personal favourite quote of the whole article comes right near the end. Check this out: "Wouldn't it be a laudable goal of the American College of Cardiology to put ourselves out of business within a generation or two?"
- Have a quick read of this great article by Dr. Mark Hyman, which emphasizes the importance of Magnesium, just how many of us are deficient, why that has terrible consequences, and easy ways you can include more of it in your diet.
Thanks for your kind attention. It's good to be back and I plan to keep up a regular bi-weekly schedule for the foreseeable future. Hope you enjoy this week's recipe and a pleasant Monday!
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